Where to Watch the Super Bowl in Dallas

Making plans to watch the Super Bowl this weekend? Several bars and restaurants in Dallas are going all out to make sure football fans watch the big game in style. Whether you’re cheering for the New York Giants or the New England Patriots, be sure to arrive early to grab a good seat and take advantage of food and drink specials at one of these locations:

Highland Park Village Theater
32 Highland Park Village
Dallas, TX 75205

Looking for a family-friendly atmosphere to watch the Super Bowl in? Make plans to watch it on the newly-renovated screen at Highland Park Village’s Village Theater.  Sit back, relax and enjoy traditional football food while watching the game on the big screen! Tickets are $35 for adults and $25 for kids. Visit the theater to purchase tickets ahead of time and be sure to arrive early!

Frankie’s Bar and Grill

3227 McKinney Ave
Dallas, TX 75204
Frankie’s in Uptown Dallas was named one of the best places to watch the Super Bowl by D Magazine and we can see why! This sports bar is serving up New England and Boston-themed menus and drinks all day on Sunday. Start the day off with a brunch that includes $2 mimosas and a build-your-own Bloody Mary bar. After brunch, take advantage of New York style hot dogs, New England clam chowder and specialty shots and cocktails! Be sure to get there by 2:00 p.m. to participate in a trivia contest where you can win gift cards, Dallas Stars tickets and more!

The Owner’s Box
555 S. Lamar
Dallas, TX 75202
Located inside the new Omni Dallas hotel, the Owner’s Box features state-of-the-art HD TVs and a 16 foot projection screen perfect for watching the Super Bowl on. Enjoy a stocked bar and full menu while relaxing in one of their oversized chairs or hang out on the patio and enjoy the weather we wish we’d had for last year’s Super Bowl! Make reservations today by calling (214) 652-4805.

Do you have a favorite place to watch the Super Bowl near Lake Ridge? Share your favorite spots and tell us who you’re cheering for on the Lake Ridge Facebook page!



Featured January Homesite

Would you like views of tall trees and a quiet creek in your own backyard? Then look no further! Homesite #1460 at Lake Ridge is waiting for you! This lot is at the low price of $29,900 - so it will go quickly. By purchasing this lot, you will become a member of the Lake Ridge family and enjoy great amenities including access to a marina at Joe Pool Lake, several parks and recreational fields and a stocked fishing pond!

Call Lake Ridge at 800-653-9891 to request a tour today!


Home Mortgage Rate Basics

Now that you have found the perfect homesite at Lake Ridge, it’s time to start looking at building your custom dream home. Even if this isn’t your first time owning a home, mortgage rates can often be confusing. Hopefully we can clarify everything there is to know about home mortgages.

First of all, a home mortgage bridges the gap of the money you can put down on a home (or with a builder) and the amount that you still need to pay. It can have either an adjustable rate or a fixed rate. Adjustable rate mortgages have changing interest rates, meaning the amount of your payment can fluctuate monthly. Typically, there is a cap to how high the rates can go. A fixed rate mortgage means that the interest rates and your payments, will always stay the same. If you have any questions about which is right for you be sure to ask your lender.

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the cost of a loan calculated by its yearly interest rate which includes the interest, points, mortgage insurance, and other fees associated with the loan. Escrow is the amount from your monthly payments that your lender puts towards various expenses like property taxes and homeowners insurance. Mortgage Insurance is beneficial towards your lender, not you. It is required if you pay less than 20 percent of the purchase price on a down payment and protects the lender if you default on your loan.

Have more home mortgage rate questions? You can always contact The Texas Land Man on Facebook, or leave a comment below!

Top Five Things to Consider When Buying Land

Have you recently decided to ditch the cookie cutter homes and build your own custom dream home? First you need to find the perfect plot of land. There are important things to consider when buying land and we’ve pulled together our top five picks just for you!

1. Location – You could build a castle next to a dump, but it probably wouldn’t be the same. Think of what you are looking for, and if it’s waterfront property you desire look at Lake Ridge at Joe Pool Lake.

2. Ability to build on the land – This may seem like a no-brainier, but there can be unexpected surprises. Make sure you know which parts of your land are best suited for building a safe and strong home.

3. Utilities and Roads – Before you make your purchase, make sure there aren’t hidden costs to bringing utilities out to your freshly built home. If there isn’t a road already leading up to the site, ask if it costs to do so or if it is included in the cost of land.

4. Permits – Make sure to get all the proper permits from the city before building. This is an excellent step to take prior to land purchase.

5. Zoning – Even though the land is already zoned for residential use, there may be restrictions due to things like environmental zoning laws that can restrict where your home can go on your land. Be sure to bring this up with your real estate agent and the zoning board.

Think your ready to start looking at the beautiful lakefront properties at Lake Ridge? Contact us at 800-653-9891 to schedule a tour today!

Lakeside Property vs. Oceanfront Property

Buying land by the water definitely has a certain allure. It’s peaceful, but can also be fun and filled with activities and excitement. If you have already started your hunt for the perfect plot of land by the water you should be in the know about the advantages of buying lakeside property opposed to oceanfront property.

Lakeside property

  • Likelihood of erosion to your home is far less than by the ocean
  • Safer than the ocean for swimming and boating
  • Almost always cheaper than oceanfront properties

Oceanfront Property

  • The most expensive out of all waterfront properties
  • Requires the most maintenance from erosion and storms
  • You are more susceptible to severe weather, like hurricanes and tropical storms

Want to take advantage of all that lakeside property has to offer and still be close to a big city? Make an appointment with Lake Ridge to find your dream homesite today!

Speak with a representative now!

See if Your Dream Homesite
is Available!

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